Ancient Bible Predictions
In this section we will share some predictions, also known as prophecies, from the Bible. Some of these have already taken place, helping to show that the Bible is the Word of God. These also give us confidence that other prophecies in the Bible that have not yet been fulfilled, will indeed take place in the future.
Destruction of Jerusalem

In the final years of his life, Jesus spoke to the people of Jerusalem, warning them of events that would shortly occur. He spoke of a time when Jerusalem would be surrounded by armies, when the Jewish people in and around the city would attempt to flee for their lives. But for many, he warned, escape would not be possible – many would perish by the edge of the sword, whilst others would become slaves, sent away to all parts of the world. Jerusalem would no longer be the home of the Jewish people and their faith, but would be occupied by others until a time determined by God.
Matthew 24:15-22; Luke 21:20-24
Matthew 24:15-22; Luke 21:20-24
This prophecy was fulfilled in A.D. 70, approximately 40 years after Jesus spoke the words. The armies of Rome, tired of Jewish rebellion, entered Israel and besieged Jerusalem. Many tried to escape early on, but as the siege wore on escape became impossible and many died in the attempt. Many inside the city died of starvation and when the Romans finally entered Jerusalem, much of the population was massacred. The Romans destroyed the Jewish temple and survivors were taken to be slaves. Jerusalem remained in the hands of non-Jewish nations until 1948, when it became the capital of the newly declared State of Israel.